

Exchange 2010 SP1 Rollup 5 Release


I recommended to waste some time before the Installation of Rollup 5 is implemented in a production environment!

Earlier today the Exchange CXP team released Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2010 SP1 to the Download Center.

This update contains a number of customer-reported and internally found issues since the release of SP1. See ‘KB 2582113: Description of Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1′ for more details.

We want to let you know this rollup contains the Exchange 2010 SP1 version of the change described in this KB article:


    PDF attachment from a Mac Mail client is not displayed when you use Outlook 2010 to open the email message in an Exchange Server 2007 SP3 environment

We would also like to specifically call out the following fixes which are included in this release:

  • 2556352 MoveItem returning empty ChangeKey
  • 2555850 Unable to delete a folder whose name has a particular character code
  • 2490134 OWA’s zip-download does not work for some messages due to invalid chars in the subject

Some of the above KnowledgeBase articles are not replicated/live at the time of writing this post. Please check back later in the day if you can’t reach them.

Availability of this update on Microsoft Update is planned for late September. Update Rollup 6 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 is currently scheduled to release in October 2011.


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